Saturday 30 November 2013

What is Branding?

What is branding?
Branding is a combination of a few things.  When I think of branding, you should ask themselves, How does my product or service differ from those of my competitors? What sets me apart? What image do I project?
Below is a list of eight basic building blocks that define what branding is, & they consist of mainly
1.       The name of your company
2.       Your company logo
3.       The brand / logo colours
4.       Your company slogan and branding message
5.       The brand packaging
6.       The brand experience
7.       The brand position
8.       The sound of your brand
When you constantly reinforcing your brand by reminding your client and potential clients what you promise, it strengthens your brand.
Companies like Coca Cola still continuously brand their products pushing out fresh ideas like the recent personalizing bottles and cans campaign.
“Inconsistency is your biggest enemy; it can destroy your brand faster than anything else.” The old rule of customer service or quality product is not good enough on its own anymore with so many companies competing for customers all promising the best.
 Creativity is a crucial part of building a brand.
Although brainstorming what you want can give you a better picture, creating a compelling brand can be difficult to create. Due to the technical nature of creating great artwork it is always recommended you use a graphic designer to create and supply that artwork for you. A designer can help you achieve your goal.
Your logo is the foundation of all your promotional material, so this is one area where spending a little now can really pay off later!

Don’t wait another minute to get in touch with us, and talk about how we can assist you
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Domination Graphics

Sunday 3 November 2013

How To Build Your Brand Equity

Here's a quick way to boost your brand equity.

Why do customers think of your competitors first before they think of you? This could be a result of how seriously you take your branding. 
Many successful entrepreneurs know the importance of brand awareness and you should too. Below are a few strategies that are widely use by most marketers.

1. Find out who your target audience is: 

you can have a great advert with great content and design but if you market to the wrong audience there is a sure chance that your campaign will fail. You need to sit and think about who buys your product or service, from there create a campaign that speaks to that specific audience.

2. Grab Your Audiences Interest.

It's is a busy world, people are going up and down, you need to grab your customers interest. To do this, you can create an advertising campaign with the goal being public awareness. With the help of an experienced graphic designer you can design adverts for print or email, showing off your new product or announcing your services offered. Depends on you, your strategy and approach.

3. Why do I Need a Brand? (People already know me)

Here is a question, what are the special features that make your product or service distinctive amongst those of your competitors?

When planning a marketing campaign these are some of the things you should look at. By designing concise marketing material, you can help your customers and potential customers recognize your brand with the benefits you offer. 

Value to your product or service is added through design and marketing. 

4. Characteristics of Your Company = Company Image

How do people view your company? Does your advertising emphasize its distinctive features such as customer service? 

If customer service is a strong characteristic of your company, that needs to be emphasized in every advertisement. 

5. Go Above and Beyond

Can your company help with last minute service? Cope with tight deadlines?
Create news letters and tell your customers and potential customers about it. Reinforce your company image.

If you think someone you know can benefit from reading this, forward it to them or share it on Facebook and twitter.

Article by Domination Graphics Above and Beyond.